Important Information

About the organization

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is an autonomous body under Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. It is one of the largest and most diversified scientific organizations having a network of nearly 38 state-of-the-art Laboratories with well experienced scientific staff and a large number of research scholars. CSIR-Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR-4Pl), Bengaluru is a premier research institute under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), which is an Autonomous Body working under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. The vision of CSIR-4Pl is to pursuit "High End Computational Science Empowering Data Intensive Scientific Discovery" in trans-disciplinary areas through large scale scientific computing. Our facilities include world-class supercomputing environment; Cyber Security Research and Observation (CySeRO) test-bed; Broadband Seismic, GNSS & GHG Networks, e

About the notification

These project positions are to be filled as part of CSIR mission project titled "Region specific smart agro-technologies for enhancing soil and plant health". The key activities under this mission involves developing Al/ML based predictive tools, Predictive image analytics, Crop system model, I-JAV based multi/hyper/lidar image analytics, IOT based predictive modelling and system dynamical modelling." Walk-in-Interviews are scheduled to be held on the date as mentioned below against the position(s) in the respective column for the selection of suitable candidate(s) in the areas under the following projects for recruitment on a purely temporary basis for the duration of the projects as mentioned or till completion of the projects.

Important Dates

Description Date
Post Date 01/06/2024
Date of Walk in Interview 07/06/2024

Vacancy details

Project(s) Title (Project Number :

Region-Specific Smart Agro-Technologies for Soil and Plant Health

(HCP-057) Project Up to: 31.03.2026 [Except for post code 0312024/08]

JIGYASA 2.0: Virtual Laborato Inte ration for ost code 03/2024/08 3



Position Code


Name of position

Maximum Age (as on last date of receipt of a plication


(Per Month)


Educational Qualification(s) Essential I Desirable

Date, Time and

Venue of Interview


01 -position

a) Senior Project Associate

40 years as on


Rs.42,OOO/- per month + House Rent Allowance

Essential Qualification: Master's Degree in Geo informatics/Environmental science/remote sensing equivalent from a recognized IJniversity and 4 years experience in R&D in Industrial / academic / Science &

Technology organizations (OR)

Doctoral degree in Geo informatics/ Environmental science/hydrology/remote sensing or equivalent or equivalent from a recognized University.

Desirable requirements:

Working experience in GIS Modelling/ENV using remote sensing, Lidar data processing, Geo Spatial Modelling.

Job Requirements:

High Resolution Image processing and Geospatial Data analytics and modelling.

Date: 07.06.2024 Time: 02:00 P.M.

Venue: CSIR-4Pl,

NAL             Belur

Campus,      Wind

Tunnel Road, Bengaluru 560037.


01 -position

b)Senior Project Associate

40 years as on


Rs.42,OOO/- per month + House Rent Allowance


Essential Qualification

Master's           Degree           in

Physics/Statistics/Mathematic s/Atmospheric sciences/ Environmental sciences/ computer sciences /Remote sensing or equivalent from a recognized University and 4 years experience in R&D in Industrial/ academic/science

& technology organizations


Doctoral            degree            in

Physics/Statistics/Mathematic s/Atmospheric sciences/Environmental sciences/computer sciences or equivalent from a recognized University

Desirable requirements: Good programming skills in advanced python,

Experience in Machine and Deep learning tools for predictive data analytics.

Job Requirements:

Development of dynamic prediction models, High Resolution Image analytics, Al/ML based predictive modelling and Data modelling.

Date: 07.06.2024

Time: 02:00 P.M.

Venue: CSIR-4Pl,

NAL Belur Campus, Wind Tunnel Road, Bengaluru 560037.




Position Code


Name of position

Maximum Age (as on last date of receipt of a lication


(Per Month)


Educational Qualification(s) Essential I Desirable

Date, Time and

Venue of Interview



Project Scientist-I

35 years as on


Rs.56,OOO/- per month + House Rent Allowance


Essential Qualification:

Doctoral Degree in Physics/Statistics/Mathematic s/Atmospheric sciences/

Environmental sciences/computer sciences/Remote sensing or equivalent from a recognized University; Candidates with provisional doctoral degree is also eligible to apply.

Desirable requirements:

Good programming skills in advanced python, R, Experience in Machine and deep learning tools for predictive data analytics.

Job Requirements: Development of Dynamic prediction model, High Resolution Image analytics, Al/ML based predictive modelling and Data modelling.


Selected candidates will be required to visit across India for field surveys and data collection. The selected candidates will be posted at Bangalore.

Date: 07.06.2024 Time: 02:00 P.M.

Venue: CSIR-4Pl, NAL Belur Campus, Wind Tunnel Road, Bengaluru 560037.



a) Project Associate-I

35 years as on


(i)Rs.31000/per month + House Rent Allowance


per month + House Rent



Rs.31 ,000/per month + I-IRA to scholars who are selected through (a) National

Eligibility Tests

CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through

National level examinations conducted by Central

Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii) Rs.25,OOO/per month + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.

Essential Qualification:

Masterls Degree in

Physics/Mathematics/Environ mental Science/Atmospheric Sciences/Geographic Information Science or equivalent from a recognized University.

Desirable requirements:

Working experience in Linux,

Python Programming, R Programming etc, Experience in geospatial data analysis, Arch GIS Modeliing/ENVl using remote sensing data,

Job Requirements: Developing machine/deep learning-based models in Python environment,

Date: 07.06.2024

Time: 09:00 A.M.

Venue: CSIR-4Pl,

NAL Belur Campus, Wind Tunnel Road, Bengaluru 560037.



01 -Position

b) Project Associate-I

35 years as on


per month + House Rent Allowance


per month + House Rent Allowance

Rs.31 ,000/per month + I-IRA to scholars who are selected through (a) National

Eligibility Tests

CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection

process through

National level examinations conducted by Central

Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii) Rs.25,OOO/per month + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.

Essential Qualification: Master's degree in Agronomy /Plant Pathology/Soil sciences from a recognized University.

Desirable requirements: Working experience in Crop model simulationst Agricultural field data collection etc

Job Requirements:

Crop model simulation and crop data analytics.

Date: 07.06.2024

Time: 09:00 A.M.

Venue: CSIR-4Pl,

NAL Belur Campus, Wind Tunnel Road, Bengaluru 560037.

Position Code


Name of position

Maximum Age (as on last date of receipt of a lication


(Per Month)


Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable

Date, Time and

Venue of Interview



a) Project Associate-Il

35 years as on


Rs.35,OOO/- per month + House

Rent Allowance


Rs.28,OOO/- per month + House Rent Allowance


per month + I-IRA to scholars who are selected through (a) National

Eligibility tests

CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection

process through

National level examinations conducted by Central

Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii) Rs.28,OOO/per month + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.

Essential        Qualification:

Master's Degree in Physics/Mathematics/Comput science/Environmental science/Statistics/Atmospheri c Sciences/Geographic Information science or equivalent from a recognized University and 2 years research experience in relevant area from recognized R&D/industrial/academic/Scie nce         technology organizations.

Desirable requirements:

Working experience in Linux,

Python Programming, R Programming etc; Experience in            Mathematical modelling/image processing, geospatial           data analysis/Machine or Deep learning tools like LSTMT ConLSTM, CNN/Arch GIS Modelling/ ENVI using remote sensing data.

Job Requirements:

Developing machine/deep learning-based models in Python environment; Development of Geospatial modelling tools.

Date: 07.06.2024

Time: 09:00 A.M.

Venue: CSIR-4Pl, NAL Belur Campus, Wind Tunnel Road, Bengaluru 560037.


Position Code


Name of position

Maximum Age (as on last date of receipt of application)


(Per Month)


Educational Qualification(s) Essential I Desirable

Date,        Time       and

Venue of Interview


01 -Position

b) Project Associate-Il

35 years as on


Rs.35,OOOß per month + House

Rent Allowance


Rs.28TOOO/- per month + House Rent Allowance

*Rs.35YOOO/per month + I-IRA to scholars who are selected through (a) National

Eligibility tests

CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection

process through

National level examinations conducted by Central

Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii) Rs.28,OOO/per month + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above

Essential Qualification: Masterls degree in Agronomy /Plant Pathology/Soil sciences from a recognized University and 2 years research experience in relevant area from recognized R&D/industrial /academic/Science technology organizations.

Desirable requirements:

Working experience in Linux,

Python Programming, R Programming etc; Experience in mathematical modelling/image processing, crop modelling geospatial data analysis.

Job Requirements: Developing machine/deep learning-based models in Python environment;

Development of Geospatial modelling tools.

Date: 07.06.2024

Time: 09:00 A.M.

Venue: CSIR-4Pl, NAL Belur Campus,

Wind Tunnel Road,

Bengaluru 560037



01 -Position


Project Associate-Il

35 years as on


Rs.35,OOO/- per month + House

Rent Allowance


Rs.28,OOO/- per month + House Rent Allowance


per month + I-IRA to scholars who are selected through (a) National

Eligibility tests

CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection

process through

National level examinations conducted by Central

Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii) Rs.28,OOO/per month + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above

Essential Qualification:

B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech in Engineering stream or equivalent with 2 years Of experience.

Desirable requirements: 1 .Working Experience of Python, ICSE, GMT, data management MS-Office.

2. Knowledge related to Storyboard formation, having artistic abilities in storytelling visualization, script writing. 3.Working Knowledge of social media platforms like You tube, X (Twitter),

Instagram, SLACK channels. 4. Previous experience of working with educational Institutions       for              science outreach activities

Job Requirements:

To assist in developing Science based documents, articles, organizing outreach activity online and offline content development for outreach, search, compile relevant information, assist in organizing events and training programmes.

Date: 07.06.2024

Time: 09:00 A.M.

Venue: CSIR-4Pl, NAL Belur Campus,

Wind Tunnel Road,

Bengaluru 560037



Age Relaxation

Category Age Relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit
Age Relaxation Refer to the Notification PDF


Category Fees (INR)
Application Fee Refer to the Notification PDF

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